1919 the American Legion was formed with headquarters in Indianapolis where it is today. May 8th through the 10th the Legion held its first National Convention in St. Louis.
On 9 November 1919 a group of Mexican Border War and WWI veterans in Concord met in City Hall to discuss forming a Legion Post in Concord. Again a meeting was held on 7 December 1919 in the Elks Home on South Union Street, 25 enthusiastic ex-service men present, a vote was taken to form. The name of Fred Y. McConnell was chosen to be the name of the post, officers were nominated. On 8 January 1920, in City Hall, they met and the American Legion Post No. 51 was officially formed with a Constitution being read, and the name Fred Y. McConnell American Legion Post 51 was announced, and officers were elected.
Former Army Captain, Dr. Joe A. Hartsell was elected and became the “temporary” Post Commander.
Other officers elected were:
•Vice Commander, Sgt. Ray Campbell Hoover who would later become the 1930 -1950 Sheriff of Cabarrus County
•Adjutant , Sgt. Maj. William Sherrill
•Finance Officer, Pvt. William Edward Moose
•Chaplain, A.S. Lawrence.
An Executive Committee was also formed.
The committee members were:
Eugene Gray Bost
Roy Clyde Sappenfield
Maj. Charles Norman Alston who would become the City of Concord Tax Collector
Capt. Kenneth Eames Caldwell, Co L, North Carolina National Guard, would become the first full time commander of Post 51 on 7 January 1920 succeeding Capt. Dr. Joe A. Hartsell.
1st Lt. Caldwell would later be promoted to Major in the North Carolina National Guard. Lt. Caldwell would be the Post Commander until he resigned on 18 February 1922 when John Montgomery Oglesby took over the position.

When Post 51 officially began on 7 January 1920, it had 65 members. Post 51 membership dues to the American Legion national organization were $2 annually. There was an additional charge of $1 annually for a subscription to the American Legion Weekly.
Post 51 would discontinue meetings in the City Hall and would establish their own “Legion Club Rooms” at 14½ West Depot Street now named Cabarrus Ave. Post 51 remained in this location until July 1926 when they relocated to 15½ Barbrick Street, the City Hall Annex, remaining there until early 1950 the post relocation to their newly built facility on Wilshire Dr., formerly known as U.S. Hwy 29 A.